
Pixel 0820

  • Seamless, true continuous finish with no joint bands (square edge)
  • 8mm square perfs at 20mm pitch for true continuous perf pattern
  • Total open area 25%





CoreGFR Gypsum
Thickness (mm)12.5
Size (mm)1200 x 2400
Density (Kg/m3)650
Weight (Kg/m2) perfed panel8
Fire (Class)1 & P
NRCupto 0.75
Thermal (W/mk)na
Climate (0C, RH)50, 70
Light (%)Paint dependant
Green (VOC, RC%)Low, 25
Warranty (Years)5
MaintenanceBrush, Repaint, Vacuum
Install Accessories - CeilingStrut SA25, WC25, MC45, CC25, SynthPF, Seam AJC by Anutone.
Anchor bolt, Tape, Fasteners by others.
Install Accessories - PanellingStrut CC10, CC25, CC50, SynthPF, Stick S7, Seam AJC by Anutone.
Tape, fasteners by others
RemarksEnsure 4mm gap between boards on all sides for joint filling to full
depth of 12.5mm with Seam AJC. Allow for shrinkage & re-apply till
level with board surface.




This school quadrangle features continuous perforations of Pixel 0820
