
Sonator Duo | Wave Perfs

  • Wooden perforated panel as acoustic baffles
  • Duo open cell for sound diffusion or Wave impedance for sound absorption – an Anutone invention
  • Perfs – Ranurado | Cuadrado | Circulo





Thickness (mm) Duo 16 | Wave 25
Size (mm) diameter200|300|400x1200
Density (Kg/m3) base board750
Weight (Kg/m2) base board12, 19
Fire (Class)1 & P
Thermal (W/mk)na
Climate (0C, RH)50, 70
Light (%)Colour Dependant
Green (VOC, RC%)Low, 25
Warranty (Years)5
MaintenanceDry-wipe, Vacuum
Install Accessories - CeilingFor cluster pattern - Strut U-Bar25 by Anutone
Local hardware - Anchor bolt, cleats and clamps, threaded rod with nut by others
For random suspension - U-Clip15|U-Clip25+ with fasteners, Levelling hook,
anchor wire by Anutone. (+U-Clip25 for Sonator Wave Perfs - Impedance variant)
Local hardware - Anchor bolt, soffit cleat, S-hook by others
RemarksU-Clip15 for Duo and U-Clip25 for Wave. Duo variant features same shade on both surfaces.
Black acoustic fleece included for Wave for sound impedance.




Sonator Wave Perfs making this corridor an interesting walkway
