Improved products
Lower cost options
Shorter lead times

Anutone has invested, invested and re-invested in the last few years in its manufacturing infrastructure to bring out better products at lower costs and faster lead times to it’s valued customers.
We greatly value your feedback. We have heard you over the years (and continue to hear you as part of our continual improvement endeavours) which has driven the latest investments at our facilities.
Anutone to the power of ten. Here we share ten recent investment initiatives amongst many more!

Quality Assurance gets an UTM and brand new Climatic Chambers
Left: Anutone was the first in India* to install a world-class Universal Testing Machine in 2014 to check tensile, bending and compression strength of acoustical panels. This ensures highest quality and
products strong and stable through their lifecycle. The program is extended to products other than Tufbloc too like Strand, Mat in Ekcel and Salon, Snazz, Serge series.
Right: Anutone was the first in India* to invest in weathering chambers way back in 2001. Now we are proud to re-invest in brand new climate chambers that are endowed with cutting-edge technologies and digital interfaces for accurate monitoring of acoustical panels under extreme climates.
Whether Anutone panels are installed in frigid Srinagar (-20oC~38oC) or hot Nagpur (4oC~48oC), wet Sohra, more famously known as Cherrapunji (RH99) or dry Jodhpur, we are doubly confident of product stability and longevity under extreme tropical conditions.
*amongst manufacturers of acoustical panels

Refurbished wood wool machines for filament-like fibres for Strand Colour series
Also a modern pulverizing unit with all bells & whistles for magnesite cement
Left: Anutone was the first to manufacture wood wool boards in India and has continuously being doing so since 1966 for 53 years! We have upgraded our wood wool making machines to offer upto 0.8mm width filament in Strand Colour for more cellular spaces and more sound absorption.
Right: Also a brand new pulverizing unit for magnesite cement with digital controls for consistent 200+ fine mesh cement binder that ensures perfect bonding of every filament and ensures product integrity with longevity. The hallmark of Anutone’s Strand and it starts with the right ingredients

Enhanced dryer capability with doubled capacity and fuel-saving heater with clean exhaust
Also new modern mobile heater blowers for faster curing of raw boards
Above: Come any season (Bengaluru boasts of a lot of cold rainy season) and faster deliveries are assured due to enhanced drying capabilities of the demoulded panels on the moulding line. Anutone is also more green than ever in its manufacturing with a brand-new, eco-friendly, fuel-saving heat generator that boasts a clean exhaust ensuring the plant more than meets pollution control norms.

Huge dust collectors act like giant vacuum cleaners for dust-free clean air
Elaborate ducting system across shopfloor sucks up every speck
Above: Anutone opted for centralized dust collection systems discarding the local collection attached to each machine. This ensure more suction power and more optimized dust collection such that indoor air pollution is zero ensuring better health and hygiene of the shopfloor workers

High-tech eco-friendly paint shop with green filters and temperature-controlled flash-off room
Matched with new screw compressors for energy-saving enhanced pneumatic capacity
Above: One of the most modern paint shops in India for finishing acoustical panels ensures not only long-lasting uniform surface coating with automatic turntable etc but also faster drying for better delivery times and full compliance of pollution control norms with zero emissions to the outside. This is matched with energy-saving screw compressors for green practices.

Modern industrial racking for expanded warehousing operations
Additional forklift for quicker logistics from shopfloor to racking to truck
Left: Warehousing and logistics is further mechanized at the Whitefield plant with modern industrial racking to take advantage of vertical spaces.
Right: An additional forklift for quick storage|retrieval and loading of delivery vehicles. Anutone now boasts a 5T for heavy loads like Tufbloc and 3T for light loads such as Subtex.

Product experience zones with innovative displays simulating site conditions
Also a unique motorized rig for hands-on training on ceiling installations
Left & right: Only Anutone could have thought of one-of-a-kind live display of all ‘What’s New’ products on ceilings and walls in actual sizes that provide a unique look and feel to architects, acousticians, contractors and clients. Our north and southside streets at Whitefield plant are quite popular with visitors. Added advantage is internal teams at Anutone also have a better idea of product applications.

100% captive generation of power in green eco mode with clean exhaust
Also investments in UPS power for 24×7 lighting & CCTV – Safety First
Left: Anutone re-invested in next-gen captive power generation through clean and green methods with a brand new improved set that boasts greater fuel-efficiency and more than compliant exhaust system.
Right: UPS power for all-around lighting and CCTVs for better safety of women workers and other safety parameters, much needed in today’s security environment, complying with EHS norms.

Factory-scaping with oxygen-rich indoor plants for environmental health & hygiene
Also new EHS (Environmental Health Safety) norms and audit introduced
Left & right: Construction of Metro has meant cutting of trees planted by Anutone three decades ago. Trees that were the source of oxygen to not just Anutone but the neighbourhood. Anutone as a responsible green citizen has now introduced hundreds of potted indoor plants throughout the factory, selected for their oxygen-rich capabilities to balance the atmosphere.
A stringent new protocol has been introduced as ‘EHS audit’ to ensure all departments in Anutone more than comply with central, state and local regulations with respect to environment, health and safety.

Enhanced hardware and software for ERP and 3D capabilities to serve design supply business modules for customer delight
Considerable investments have been made in enhanced design capabilities to render to you project inspirations in 3D and facilitate a better understanding of product applications. Above is a 3D of a souvenir shop at a museum that features Tufbloc primary ceiling with Sonator Duo Shapes in S-Curve
Anutone welcomes you to visit+ our Whitefield Bengaluru plant so we can show you around not just the above ten but many more investments made just for you and to fulfil our six winning goals of Quality Must, Safety First, Green Next, Lowest Cost, Fastest Delivery and Ethical Practices.
NOTE: Some images are representative and illustrative due to proprietory manufacturing practices
at Anutone and hence actual photography is strictly prohibited. Please visit+ us for actual views.
+eligibility criteria applies