CII confers green product certification
to Strand & Mat Series
GreenPro certifies that Strand and Mat products manufactured by Anutone at its Ekcel plant in Bengaluru, among many other green attributes, also feature the following highlights:
- contain raw materials that meet the GreenPro requirements of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) levels
- absence of heavy metals
- do not have any prohibited flame retardants
- do not have any gases with Global Warming Potential (GWP) or Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
- have recycled content greater than 35%
Green & Safety Awards
- Ekcel Strand Colour
- Ekcel Strand Primer
- Ekcel Strand Ebony
- Ekcel Strand Planks
- Ekcel Strand Grafix
- Ekcel Strand Sculpt
- Ekcel Strand Shapes
- Ekcel Strand Mozaic
- Ekcel Strand Cubix
- Ekcel Strand Duo
- Ekcel Strand Duo Shapes
- Ekcel Strand Duo Grafix
- Ekcel Strand Wave
- Ekcel Strand Clouds
- Ekcel Soak Cord
- Ekcel Soak Cord Binary
- Ekcel Soak Cord Triangle
- Ekcel Soak Plane
- Ekcel Soak Plane Binary
- Ekcel Soak Plane Triangle
- Ekcel Soak Wave Cord
- Ekcel Soak Wave Plane
- Ekcel Soak Duo Triangle
- Ekcel Mat Solo
- Ekcel Mat Colours
- Ekcel Mat Planks
- Ekcel Mat Ebony
- Ekcel MatGrafix
- Ekcel Mat Sculpt
- Ekcel Mat Shapes
- Ekcel Mat Duo
- Ekcel Mat Duo Grafix
- Ekcel Mat Duo Shapes
- Ekcel Soak Duo Binary
- Ekcel Mat BSB
NSC confers safety certification to Anutone’s manufacturing facilities
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