Clouds meant rain
Then they meant data
And now they mean acoustics
Anutone unleashes a range of acoustic clouds
To the delight of the designer and space user alike

In 1200mm diameter and dual tone of Morado and Gris suspended in a zigzag cluster pattern with Strand Primer backer board and 4 suspenders/ panel for this live music hall.

Strand Clouds Circle in lime green and bright red 40mm thick with T-groove and suspended with Skelet T24 and Suspension Kit
Project images are 3D renders by architect for illustrative purposes and Anutone claims no association.
Product colours, prints are indicative and may differ on actual panels due to blotting and fading. Product embossing, shapes are indicative and may differ on actual panels due to surface texture limitations.
It is the responsibility of the user to conduct due diligence and assess the suitability of the products to projects.
Copyright and Intellectual Property belongs to Anutone. No contents must be copied, scanned, reproduced, transmitted, stored, retrieved or otherwise used in any form without prior written permission of Anutone.